BT7480 (Nectin-4/CD137 Bicycle TICA™)
In preclinical models, Nectin-4/CD137 Bicycle® TICAs have shown powerful anti-tumor activity
BT7480 is a novel, fully synthetic Bicycle tumor-targeted immune cell agonist® (Bicycle TICA™) that contains three Bicycles. One targets Nectin-4, a cell adhesion molecule from the Nectin and Nectin-like family shown to be overexpressed on the surface of tumor cells. The others bind to and agonize CD137, a member of the TNFR family involved in the activation of several immune cell types, including T cells and NK cells.
In preclinical models, Nectin-4/CD137 Bicycle TICAs have shown powerful anti-tumor activity, enabled by potent and tumor antigen dependent CD137 agonism.
BT7480 is currently being evaluated in a Company-sponsored Phase I/II clinical trial, with plans to evaluate BT7480 in combination with nivolumab.

Bicycle strategy
We have engineered our novel and proprietary Bicycle® TICAs with features that may in the future overcome the limitations of other immuno-oncology approaches, such as hepatoxicity, long half-life and immunogenicity. These beneficial characteristics may induce robust CD137-mediated and tumor-localized efficacy in a manner that introduces immunogenic memory. The modular nature of the Bicycle technology allows us to quickly generate fully synthetic Bicycles that link immune-agonizing molecules to a tumor target, which could pave the way for a future of next-generation non-biologic immune cell engaging immunotherapies.